Monday, June 20, 2016

The Year 2012 - A Time to Change

documentary national geographic, The universes most established timetable, known as the Long Count Calendar, was made by a race of American Indians called the Maya. As indicated by their date-book our current planetary cycle started in 3113 BC and will end on 21st December 2012 AD. The Maya were a propelled human progress who stayed in Mexico amid the seventh century and, amongst their different characteristics, were sharp stargazers, designers, and mathematicians. They conceivably utilized early types of Numerology and soothsaying to delineate normal beat and cycles of life on this planet.

documentary national geographic, The Maya were given to making uncannily exact predictions about key defining moments in mankind's history, including their own. As their development achieved its apex and afterward broken down conciliatory ceremonies supplanted workmanship and science. They were attacked and generally butchered by Spanish conquistadors amid the sixteenth Century. Moreover, the Spanish Inquisition pulverized a considerable lot of the Mayan predictions, which were recorded in early books named Codices, so little stays of their compositions.

The Mayans trusted that mankind would achieve a phase amid the mid 21st century when a change of awareness would get to be impending. As an outcome, the universes populace would at the end of the day fall into venture with the common heartbeat of our planet. They expressed this would just happen taking after a time of genuine trials.

documentary national geographic, Numerology can distinguish the effect of the change that will happen and help us to comprehend the test that we are confronting. In a past article entitled Numerology and the New Millennium I depicted a portion of the significant qualities of this period in our history and a couple of the dispositions that we should embrace in the event that we are to safeguard humankind. We are quickly seeing case of over the top avarice that are undermining to destabilize the universes economy and may yet bring about a globalWall Street Crash. This is only one of various aspects that need to change. Connections are getting to be strained as collaboration between the genders, individuals and societies tackles an improved affectability and probability of mistaken assumptions. Anger and disappointment are abrogating quiet sane personalities. Realism has overwhelmed our lives and regardless of the amount we surge there is never enough time in the day.

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