Monday, June 20, 2016

The Mayan Culture

documentary national geographic, With the turmoil being made because of the truth the Mayan logbook closes in 2012, there is much enthusiasm concerning the Mayan society, Mayan religion, and Mayan images.

The 2012 Mayan Calendar does not imply the apocalypse, it just connotes the start of another period or age, another level of cognizance.

The Maya trust the cycles are around 5,000 years in length and the year 2012 just means the end of a specific time, as that period closes, another cycle will start, a change most people won't take note.

As indicated by Mayan conviction the Cosmos was made up by nine underworlds, this conviction was communicated capably in their pyramids, which were all assembled in view of nine unique stories.

documentary national geographic, The customary Mayas have confidence in the presence, inside each individual,of different sub souls, generally depicted in semi material terms(such as 'shadow', 'breath', 'blood', and 'bone'). The loss of one or more sub souls results in particular maladies, (for example, coronary illness, disease, and so on.) They were exceptionally capable at normal recuperating, utilizing herbs and plants from the encompassing wilderness to mend and sustain their bodies.This craftsmanship is still clear today, in spite of the fact that it is ceasing to exist as the old medication men go on.

documentary national geographic, The Mayas fulfilled a considerable measure of "firsts" in this period. Not just did they assemble a considerable measure of pyramids and sanctuaries, they were specialists on building streets furthermore knew how to make elastic. Along these lines they assembled the most developed street arrangement of their time.

They had the initially propelled arrangement of writing in the western side of the equator and had two timetables, one with 365 days.They utilized their arrangement of composing, (hieroglyphics), to record data in books produced using the bark of fig trees.

They built up a numerical framework taking into account the number 20 and were the first to utilize the number 0.

It wasn't an existence of all work and no play. They had built up a type of the advanced session of ball, where a gourd or other round item was endeavored to go through a band high on the divider. They considered this diversion important, as the failures were frequently relinquished to the Gods. In some cases, the victors were relinquished as a method for conciliating the Gods for some half baked mishap that had happened to the tribe. In this condition it was a honor to be picked as a penance and most competitors eagerly volunteered.

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